Shopping Thailand

Disclosure Page for How we make our Money! used affiliate marketing and partnerships with companies that help you travel such as Agoda or Expedia. When the user clicks these links, it will take them to our partners official site, and has no affect on the cost of the product.


Referral Fees

We earn referral fees when you buy services from companies that we recommend. In compliance with FTC guidelines, assume all links, posts, photos and other material on this website are affiliate links of which Thailocaltravel receives a commission from sales of items. There is no extra cost to the buyer.

This website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other affiliate marketing programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other partner webpages. Pages on this site may include affiliate links to Amazon, its affiliate sites and other partner sites on which the owner of this website will make a referral commission.

We only recommend products that we believe will add value to our readers. We thoroughly test and use all products that we recommend. All opinions are our own, and we do not accept payments for positive reviews.

This monetization method is called affiliate marketing. The biggest brands on the internet offer affiliate programs such as Amazon, Expedia, etc. Many of your favorite sites use affiliate marketing to pay the bills.

The only difference is that not everyone tell their users how they make money.

Read more on how Affiliate Marketing works on

Sometimes you will see banner ads like these:

Other times, you will see a special link unique to each website that track referrals such as:

When you click on these link, you are tagged with a special cookie to track the referral. If you end up buying the product, then they pay us a referral fee.

The referral fees vary for each product. For a travel book that you may buy at Amazon, we might earn $1. For a booking a hotel, we might earn $10.

Question #1 – Will it Cost Me More Money?

No, absolutely not. In most cases, our deals will actually save you money.

Because thailocaltravel is an authority website, a lot of vendors offer our readers exclusive discounts.

Because we are a travel website, companies selling travel products and services will offer discounts on our site.

Question #2 – Do You See My Personal Details?

No. We don’t see any personal information i.e name, email, address, credit card, etc.

The only thing we see is that an anonymous user made a purchase on date/time and which product they bought.

How Can You Help Us?

In order for us to keep bringing content from Thailand and other resources, we need financial help to do so. Below are few ways you can help us:

  • If you’re thinking of buying a product, then please buy it using a thailocaltravel referral link.
  • If you’re using a product that we recommend, then please leave your review in the comments to help others.
  • Spread the word by sharing with your friends and family on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.
  • As an avid photography I also promote my personal photography with links to sites like Adobe Stock, Getty Images and Shutterstock.

Why Should You Help Us?

Because our goal is to help travelers find the best local experiences, and to do that we must experience it ourselves.

There are also tons of bloggers that write fake positive reviews without ever visiting a place or use a service, only because they want to make a quick referral fee.

At Thailocaltravel, we want to create a community were people can trust what we are writing about and sharing with you, the reader. Our readers best interest is our #1 priority.

If you’ve found our website to be helpful, then we hope that you will help support us, so we can continue working towards our mission.

Read more on how Affiliate Marketing works on

Thank you for support.

Neil Aronson
Founder, Contact Us at

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