Festival and Events Calendar

Lantern Festival Thailand

We have put together a calendar of national and local events, festivals and holidays in Thailand. This can be helpful for you to know if your traveling to Thailand. If you looking to visit when something exciting is going on, then hopefully you will be there when there is a local or national festival happening. Or maybe you want to avoid a location when there are crowds and perhaps higher travel costs during holidays and festivals.

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About Author

Born in California, I found a passion for traveling at an early age. In 2010 I visit Thailand for the first time, which change my life. A year later I married my Thai wife, and we now have a house in Chom Thong Thailand. My goal for this website will be to bring our audience everything they could want to know about traveling to Thailand. "Southeast Asia has a real grip on me. From the very first time I went there, it was a fulfillment of my childhood fantasies of the way travel should be". -Anthony Bourdain